Saturday, April 26, 2003

Timeline of Iraq's Cultural Destruction

A list of articles related to the cultural looting is at

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Humor Break

Doonesbury has a fresh take on the looting.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Rosalind Franklin

In ''Secret of Photo 51,'' Nova celebrates the 50th anniversary of James Watson and Francis Crick's discovery of the structure of DNA by by giving attention to Rosa Franklin's contribution. Franklin's X-ray photo provided the evidence Watson and Crick lacked about the molecule's double helix structure. As Watson writes in his 1968 memoir, ''The Double Helix,'' ''The instant I saw the picture, my mouth fell open and my pulse began to race.''

Franklin "didn't fit in - not by gender, religion, class, or temperament." And she left Watson and Crick's laboratories. According to Maddox [the author of her biography], "the tragedy is not that Franklin didn't win a Nobel, but that she died so young."
Transformational Art

On NPR's April 21st Morning Edition, Ketzel Levine reported on artist Rick Bartow. Bartow's art is informed by his experiences in Vietnam during the war and his Yurok Indian ancestry. Bartow believes in the power of drawing to heal. Returning from Vietnam with psychological wounds, he turned to drawing as a therapeutic activity. Drawing and Alcoholics Anonymous helped him overcome alcoholism, depression, and divorce. Bartow claims, "I draw because I have no choice: it is my blessing, it is my curse." As he stopped drinking, he used drawing and painting to explore the theme of masks falling off. The Native American mythical idea of transformation can be seen in much of his art, including a pastel titled "Traumbuild." (See NPR's gallery section.) In this dream drawing, a man receives guidance from the spirit of a deer and transforms from human to animal. Bartow sometimes starts drawing or painting by randomly grabbing a brush or pastel. He attacks the page with gestures. He makes marks, sometimes with Raven's beak, erases and tries to cover his tracks.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Eyewitness Report of Burning of Koranic Library

Robert Fisk reporting on burning at the library of Korans at the Ministry of Religious Endowment asks the question: why? Picking up documents blowing in the wind, he said, "I was holding in my hands the last Baghdad vestiges of Iraq's written history." He reported the flames of the Koranic library burning ­to the U.S. Marines giving the precise map location to no avail. Fisk's writing is eloquent and powerful as usual. I won't reword it here.